Jawa Tengah Province Transportation Development June 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sukoharjo Regency

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Jawa Tengah Province Transportation Development June 2024

Release Date : August 1, 2024
File Size : 1.34 MB


The total number of commercial air passengers departing (embarking) from jawa Tengah  in June 2024 was 100,604 people, down 14.73 percent compared to May 2024 which was recorded at 117,976 people.
  • The total number of commercial air passengers arriving (embarking) to jawa Tengah  in June 2024 was 104,427 people, up 10.13 percent compared to May 2024 which was recorded at 94,823 people.
  • Domestic flights are only available at Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang and Adi Sumarmo Surakarta, while flights at Tunggul Wulung Airport in Cilacap, Dewadaru Jepara, JB. Soedirman Purbalingga and Ngloram Blora have not yet opened scheduled domestic flights.
  • International flights are only available at Adi Sumarmo Airport in Surakarta.
  • The total number of departures (embarkations) of sea passengers through the seaports of Tanjung Emas, Karimunjawa, and Jepara in June 2024 was 37,747 people, down 32.18 percent compared to May 2024 which was 55,657 people. Meanwhile, the number of arrivals (disembarkations) of sea passengers in June 2024 was recorded at 43,444 people, up 17.64 percent compared to May 2024 which was 36,930 people.
  • The total number of unloaded non-oil and gas commodities in tons at the ports of Jepara, Tanjung Emas Semarang, Tanjung Intan Cilacap, Tegal, and Karimunjawa for domestic trade in June 2024 was recorded at 1,149,325 tons, down 29.94 percent compared to May 2024 which was 1,640,597 tons. The total volume of non-oil and gas commodity cargo in tons through the five major ports in jawa Tengah  in June 2024 was recorded at 293 tons, up 25.21 percent compared to the previous month which was 234 tons.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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